What is the Backpack Program?


Every backpack food program is unique to the community and school it serves. Generally, backpack food programs provide a bag of nonperishable food to children in need that they can take home and eat when school meal programs are unavailable. These bags are often distributed at school to participating children in plastic or reusable bags by their teacher as they leave Friday or before a long break. Depending on the type of school or age of the students, food may also be distributed at the school office or in another central location inside or outside of the school.

School Lunch Program

School Lunch Program

3 out of 5 U.S. Public School children qualify for the free or reduced lunch program. 60% of American children depend on the government to feed them Monday through Friday.
That equates to more than 20 million kids.

Did you know?

Did you know?

There are nearly 20 million children in America who are chronically hungry. Hundreds of those children call Clay County Indiana home.

Outside of the meals the school provides, many of these children don't receive adequate nutrition in their homes. Every Friday at their school, children will receive a backpack full of food from Broom Tree Food For Thought Program. This backpack includes a variety of items like granola bars, fruit, crackers, etc., that children can easily fix for themselves on the weekend.